The swing doors belong to the most exploited and vulnerable doors in the industrial plants. They are dynamically pushed by the staff or struck by heavy transport equipment hundreds of times a day.
We know that.
That's why we constructed the doors, hinges and hardware to ensure the durability for many years. We offer the swing doors made of stainless steel, plastic or reinforced foil. All the doors are mounted on the specialised stainless steel hinges, manufactured in our factory, and can be equipped with a set of protecting bumpers.
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Stainless steel and galvanized steel
TECHNICAL DATA - single leaf swing doors
TECHNICAL DATA - double leaf swing doors

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opcionális kiegészítők


PE green/white/other
TECHNICAL DATA - single leaf swing doors
TECHNICAL DATA - double leaf swing doors

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opcionális kiegészítők

Reinforced PVC foil
TECHNICAL DATA - single leaf swing doors
TECHNICAL DATA - double leaf swing doors

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opcionális kiegészítők

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opcionális kiegészítők

Strip curtains

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opcionális kiegészítők